Today is Monday, July 7th, 2003; Karen's Korner #86

Holding Hands During the Storm


We had the opportunity to apply our "foster grandparenting" skills for a few days over the Independence Day holiday. Three sisters came to stay with us – the twins were nine and the youngest was five. Probably because of the number of times they had spent in homes like ours, they chose to call us "mom" and "dad".


It was the first night when both twins started talking about the clouds that were forming and parts of the weather forecast they were hearing. "I don’t think it is going to rain, do you, mom?" said one of the twins. "It doesn’t look like it will storm, does it?" Always looking for a positive answer from either Jim or I.


"We don’t think it will rain," we assured her. "You will be all right."


Shortly after midnight as thunder vibrated the house on occasion and as the dark skies were illuminated for a few seconds at a time, I heard our bedroom door open. "Mom, I can’t sleep," said one. "I am scared. Can I sleep with you and dad?"


"Go get your blanket and pillow," I said.


Not knowing how many more we might have in bed with us later, I told her, "Just put the pillow and blanket on the floor beside me. You can sleep there. You will be okay."


"I want to hold your hand," she said, as she began to settle down and get ready to go back to sleep. Rain, thunder, and lightning continued.


Sometimes storm clouds gather in my life. The forecast doesn’t look too good. And I plead to God, "It isn’t going to rain, is it?" Thunder and lightning sometimes scare me and I don’t want to be afraid. Since God controls the weather, it would be to my liking if I could get Him to change his mind and give me only "good" weather.


Sometimes in the middle of the darkness, I holler, "God, I am frightened. Can I come and sleep with you?" I know He is preparing a place for all of his children. But His big bed isn’t ready for us just yet!

Instead He says to me, "Get your blanket and pillow and lay down. You can rest. I will hold your hand and you will be okay." And He reaches down and puts His big gentle hand into my cold and clammy one.


Sometimes God doesn’t change the forecast, choosing instead to allow the thunder and lightning to roll. I don’t always need sunshine. Sometimes I need rain, too. Not much grows on dry, parched ground.

The difference is I have ahold of His Hand….
