Today is one of those days! When I got up this morning, my computer wasn't working. Great! How am I going to send Karen's Korner. What about all of the other messages I might want to send and receive today. The computer repair guy is coming this afternoon. So I am here at our public library typing this "korner".
What I had planned to send today will have to wait until another day. As you know, sometimes the thoughts are pass alongs, forwards from some readers, and sometimes mine. So what is today's?
Better ask God to show me. Sometimes when I pray, I visualize God. Seems like He is Father figure; someone sort of above me. Other times,I visualize Jesus. I like to think of Him as a friend, companion, or guide.
Other times I think of the Holy Spirit, which the Bible says (Ephesians 1:13 - 14) resides within us, if we are followers and believers in Christ Jesus. I like that one; not far away. But right inside of me.
"Holy Spirit, what should I say today?"
Here is what I seemed to hear Him say to my mind:
"Tell them that I love them!" (I John 3:1)
"Tell them that I love calling them My Children. And calling each of them by name." (John 1:12)
"Tell them that I enjoy blessing each one of them each day."
"Do what you can, Karen, to pass the blessing that I have given to you to each one of them. Give them my blessing spiritually, verbally, and through the things that you write, as often as you can."
Please consider yourself blessed by God. You are a blessing to me, each one of you, as you encourage me to write, share, and care for others!