Today is Friday, September 29th, 2006; Karen's Korner #900
I always like to celebrate these milestones.....#900! Thanks for sticking with me through 900 'korners'. Some of you have been a part of all the writings; others have been added on later!! Thanks for your encouraging words, readership, and adding some of your own writings or favorites which have come your way and which you have forwarded to me!
For more half the time, I have been sending the daily emails through the web site which our son-in-law Tim Chapion designed for me. The web address is . Check it out! If you haven't seen it lately, he redesigned the mast head for it. I thought it looked great before; but this one is even better. Thanks, Tim!
Hopefully we have all learned and grown together because of "Karen's Korner" and God is glorified for what He can and does do with and for each one of us!! Bottom line is we know more, enjoy more, and will be heading some day for heaven! Won't that be a fun reunion for all of us??
A couple of short thoughts/sayings:
** "May we both always have love to share, health to spare and friends that care!"
- forwarded by travel friend Shirley Rake
** "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
- Margaret Mead, sent to me by Rhonda Benton
** "Love is a fruit, in season at all times and within reach of every hand. Anyone may gather it and not limit is set."
- Mother Teresa
** Jesus said to him, "I am the Way--yes, and the Truth and the Life. No one can get to the Father except by means of me."
- John 14:6