Today is Thursday, October 12th, 2006; Karen's Korner #909

This week Jim and I are traveling in Tennessee, seeing the sights and enjoying the people. In the past few days, we have eaten at two buffets (people emphasize a different syllable to that word than we do in Iowa!). Both times we went into a restaurant, and learned that it was also a buffet. We wanted a sandwich, but for 'only a dollar more', we could buy the buffet. Well, okay, we will take the buffet!

Now the treasure hunt begins! We get two plates:  one a large oval (for salads) and a smaller circular one (for desserts). Each of the stations has a dinner plate for the main food entrees. There is the tossed salad island and another for all the other salads. One island for hot vegetables and another for the meat dishes. How about one for the casserole-type food items? Another area for the desserts and one against the wall for beverages. And that might not be all of them!

So we take our plates and begin! We probably took more than we want...........or that our bodies need. And we know that Americans have a problem sometimes with bigger appetites and growing bodies!

As I sat down to eat, from plate #3, I thought of God and the spiritual food that He serves up to us. We can take lots of plates of various sizes. Today I want a spoonful of patience and kindness. What about joy and love! I am sure I am going to need a ladle of His grace and mercy. Grab another plate and pile on some forgiveness. The islands of what He has for me are tremendous. I need a spoonful or slice of all of them. Sometimes I need heaping helpings!

Best part is I can't over-indulge. The more I "eat" the better I feel, the more God is glorified, and the more others are loved and cared for!
