Today is Monday, October 23rd, 2006; Karen's Korner #916

Jim's cousin, Rosemary, took a couple of dozen gals on an adventure with her on Saturday, at a church salad luncheon. She became the "women at the well", as the luncheon's speaker.
Her first person portrayal found Rosemary bustling back from the well to tell all of her friends that she had just talked with the Messiah. She knew it was Him because "He knew all about me, about my five husbands and the man I am living with now is not my husband."
The Samaritan woman continued, "He helped with my jug and my water, but He told me about living water and that I never need to thirst again. He talked with! ....  like He would have talked with anyone else. And I never heard Him speak one word of condemnation!"
Rosemary told the group she had taken her remarks from the book "Bad Girls of the Bible" by Liz Curtis Higgs. The "real story" can be found in John chapter 4.
There were four things Rosemary wanted each of us to know from her story:
* Never be afraid to ask questions; it is worth the risk!
* Not lying isn't the same as telling the truth. The woman tried to tell Jesus only part of her story; He knew all about her!
* Thirst is a gift from God. Don't ignore the thirst, as it might put you into Jesus' path!
* Water is made to be shared, not horded. When this Samaritan woman had the brief encounter with Jesus, she was filled with joy; her heart (and life!) was changed. She knew she would never be the same; she was going to live a new life. She was cared for and loved in a way she had never experienced before. She wanted to share what she now knew!
We are like that woman........needing Jesus' love and attention. We need that kind of encounter, so we can make needed changes in our behaviors, add dimensions and excitement to, what otherwise might be a hum-drum existence. We need that "living water", the kind that doesn't run out...not now, not ever!
Today is a good day to meet Jesus, if not for the first time.......again!
