Today is Monday, October 30th, 2006; Karen's Korner #921

One day last week I saw my friend Gretta Bauman at our local bank. "Oh, I just saw an article in my newest 'Thrivent' magazine," she said. "You have to read it. It is a perfect Karen's Korner!"
It is titled 'Holy Gusts' and 'Daily Freds', with the sub-title 'Spiritual role models are everywhere. We just need to keep our eyes open.'
Richard Binler, writer of the article, began by telling about an obituary he had recently read:  "Fred was an unsung hero, a steady worker who did things quietly. Lending a hand to others was nothing new for Fred. He loved people because he knew God loved him." Binler said while we need to thank God for our daily bread, we also need to thank Him for our "daily Freds', the kinds of people that aren't sports heroes or Hollywood icons, but those who move quietly through our lives, inspiring us with goodness, if we only take a moment to let them.
Binler went on to tell about Mr. Gust, who was one of his everyday role models. "Each week when I was growing up, he would always greet my family and share the joy of the Lord at the church where we worshipped," he wrote. "Mr. Gust, to me, was 'Jesus with skin on'." A real "Holy Gust".
A couple of other people in Binler's life were mentioned in the article. He concluded the short piece:  "Thanks, Lord, for those Holy Gusts! Thanks for the Daily Freds who quietly inspire us. 'What a friend we have in Jesus' -- and what a Jesus we have in friends."
