I am the good shepherd.
I know my sheep as the Father knows me.
And my sheep know me.
John 10:14
The shepherd knows his sheep. He calls them by name and they respond.
I recently attended a sheep herding trial with my border collie. We weren’t competing, just watching. It was interesting to watch the difference in the behavior and attitude of the sheep. The owner/shepherd of the sheep would walk in the ring, call to the sheep and they would follow him to the start pen. A competitor would enter the pen, and unless their dog was very good at his job, the sheep would scatter and try to avoid this strange person and their dog. At the end of that run, in would walk the owner and here would come his sheep.
The Lord is my shepherd. He knows my needs and I’ll never lack for anything. He provides a home for my rest and sustenance for my body. He protects me and leads my because I am his child. When afraid he comforts me, when surrounded by enemies he reassures me. He crowned me as royalty, I have more than I deserve. He will be with me as my shepherd and I will live with him forever.