Today is Thursday, December 21st, 2006; Karen's Korner #959
Flipping through the television channels last night, I ran past a speaker on a cable Christian station. I stopped briefly to listen to what he had to say about the Bible and his summing up of Christianity.
He said that there are 800,000 words in the Bible which can be boiled down to three basic themes:
** forgiveness from our past;
** new life for today;
** hope for the future.
That's the message of the Christmas story and why Jesus was born, lived, and died. We needed all three!
"Father God, thank You for sending your Son Jesus into our world. You knew that we were in need of forgiveness from our natures and the things we choose to do. We needed new natures! You knew that we were going to need new life, not just one day, but every day. And that we would need hope for the future that would outstrip this life. Thank You for Jesus, who was born, lived, and died so that we could have all three! I don't know why You would chose to do that for us, but I am glad You did. Help each one of us to recognize and accept that kind of Love. In the Name of Your Son, Jesus whose birthday we celebrate right now. Amen."