Today is Wednesday, December 27th, 2006; Karen's Korner #963
Many times I start my day with the prayer, "Lord, help me to be a blessing to someone else today..."
Yesterday was a day when I volunteered to drive a friend to catch a morning commuter bus to a larger medical care facility for her treatments. I would return to the drop-off location to pick her up in the afternoon.
The drop-off was a parking area of a church in this small community. Her pick up time could vary as much as half an hour. I decided to be sure and be early rather than late. The afternoon was nice, so I walked a bit. I returned to the parking area and still no friend.
I thought, "I wonder if the church is open?" Many to most churches aren't these days; probably for good reason. The front door was locked. What about the back door?
It was unlocked! I pushed the door open and to my surprise there was a sign above the steps going down into the basement saying, "Welcome to our backdoor ministry!"
Where would the open door lead me, I wondered, as I began to wander. I could go into every part of the church, it appeared. Maybe not the office; I didn't discover the office! As I got into the small sanctuary, I thought, "This is my chance to be a blessing to this church with the 'open door' policy!
I ran back to our van and picked out five copies of three of the devotionals which I have penned and published over the years. Still no commuter bus; good! I had things to do. I went back into the church, stacked the 15 booklets on the front podium and left them a note thanking them and congratulating them for 'leaving their back door open'.
I am still not convinced that open doors are good or bad, but it was a blessing to me......and hopefully to that church family.....and their backdoor ministry which worked......the day after Christmas!
One of the stray, used bulletins from the church's Christmas Eve service, had a Christmas Prayer written by Robert Louis Stevenson: (In part) "......that we may share in the song of the angels, the gladness of the shepherds, and the worship of the wise men. Close the door of hate and open the door of love all over the world......"