This morning I was thinking about God and how wonderful He is! How He always wants the best for us as His Children.
In my third devotional booklet "God's Love is Higher, Deeper, and Wider", I wrote about God being the author of addition and multiplication; never of subtraction and division. Probably because my dad died on Sunday and because we are working on upcoming funeral services, some of those "adding" and "multiplying" thoughts were coming up again in my thinking today.
Have you ever noticed how our human nature always wants more? We want more! We want to live a long, full life. We want long lives for our family and our friends. We desire people to live happily ever after. My dad had both - 85 years old; 60 years of marriage to my mom. A friend emailed me yesterday, "What a wonderful life! I'd take 60 years with Les!"
God is the author of those thoughts and desires. And He answers our prayers by adding and multiplying. We have good medicines, wonderful surgeries. He helps us to overcome shortcomings and addictions, which we could never tackle on our own. And amounts of times are extended. But those extensions are just a glimpse of the multiplication and addition God has in mind for each of us.
He has forever in mind!
I can't image what that looks like. All I know is that God gives us enough added days and added years to show us the things He has planned for each of our futures. He knew we can't handle things like death and funerals, so He has designed things for us that will last for eternity. Sounds like a good plan to me!
"Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His lovingkindness continues forever!" - Psalms 136:1