Today is Wednesday, January 10th, 2007; Karen's Korner #973
Several second-hand quotes (people relating to me something someone else has said):
** Jodie Harker heard a speaker say: "Get ready for the garbage truck of life to come by your home or life. It will dump garbage on you (notice it says 'will'; not maybe or sometimes!). What you do with it is up to you! With God's help, you can turn the refuse into compost!"
** My sister Jan said about their church sermon a week ago by Denny Ganz: "When you come to worship services, it is a 'ME' experence or a 'THEE' experience. The 'ME"'experience concerns itself with players and their performance (or, or, or the service is too long, it is too hot, the music isn't that good!). The 'THEE'experience is a one-on-one worship between that person and God." Two people could be sitting in the same worship service and having two very different things going on. Which one best describes your worship (or lack of it) on Sunday?