Today is Tuesday, January 16th, 2007; Karen's Korner #977

My friend Chris Lousias likes to take a chapter or verse from the Bible and turn it back into a prayer to God. She has done this with I King chapter 8:


A prayer of dedication – taken in part from 1 Kings 8


Oh Lord, we are Your people; there is no God like You in Heaven above or on earth below – You who keep Your covenant of love with Your servants who continue wholeheartedly in Your way.


Help us today Holy Spirit, to find ourselves in You.  We are sinners because of our relationship with Your son Adam.  We plea for Your mercy Oh God and You hear us.  We are saved because of Your Son and our Savior Jesus Christ.  We thank You that we have become free because of His obedience.


Sovereign God, You know the afflictions of each of our hearts.  As we raise our hands in praise and worship to You today, we ask that You turn Your ear to hear our pleas.  We set our garbage before You Lord because we can’t manage on our own trusts.  We relinquish them to You.


As we go into Your Word everyday Lord, teach us the right way to live.  A way in which is pleasing to You and a way in which all the glory goes to You, the One deserving.  Teach us to fear You Heavenly King, because only then will we come to know You in a deeper, more passionate way.


We thank You Lord for keeping Your promise to us of Your Son Jesus Christ.  Help us to have hearts fully committed to You.  Help us to live by Your Word and obey Your commands.  Let this supplication be pleasing to You Father, we pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen

