Today is Monday, January 22nd, 2007; Karen's Korner #981

I like it when friends write and share what they have written. This is something penned by Sue Freund. More perfect now that we have a blanket of snow on the ground:
Winter Dreams

 It is mid morning. I need a break from my routine. I sip on lukewarm coffee, as my cat takes one of her countless naps at the windowsill. The silence is almost deafening, yet so bright and cheerful.

 As I am looking out my window at the new fallen snow, the sunshine warms me through. Ice crystals shimmer and twinkle playing music only I can hear, my own private orchestra.  The last of the snowflakes are floating down dancing and twirling like ballerinas. The tiny dancers settle on the evergreens with their uplifted branches applauding the performance.

 The warming shine of the sun makes me feel the need to be outside. Years have taught me that cool, crisp, snappy, squeaky snow can deceive. Reluctantly staying inside, melancholy fills my heart and I begin to daydream.

 Out of nowhere I see a child catching falling snowflakes on her tongue. I sense the feeling of damp mittens, cold toes, and rosy cheeks. I am bundled like a swaddled babe so bunglesome I can hardly move. Yet so joyful I can hardly notice.

 Shaking snow from the evergreen boughs I jump from one new pile of snow to another. I land on the snow and roll over on my back and with a born instinct, begin the age-old practice of making snow angels.

 Suddenly a dog comes from nowhere. He is barking, jumping and rolling next to me. He kisses my face. You understand doggie kisses?  I laugh and get up twisting, twirling and giggling like only a girl can do.

 Awakened from her nap my cat jumps to my lap. As my dream ends I find myself longing for those carefree days. Find time to dream simple thoughts filled with simple joys that abound.
