Plant goodness,
harvest the fruit of loyalty,
plow the new ground of knowledge.
Hosea 10:12
We are bombarded by radio and television with all the bad in the world. We get frustrated and overwhelmed with it all. The concern is that when we get overwhelmed we get inactive. We believe that the problems are so mountainous that we can not make a difference.
You CAN make a difference. Start in your place, whether it be your home, school, office or wherever, just start. Plant some goodness in the world around you with the intent to make a difference. Your mindset is that no matter what happens you will be a ray of sunshine in the lives of the overwhelmed. God promises that if you plant some goodness you will reap some loyalty from those around you. And; loyalty will provide new ground to spread the seed of the Gospel of Christ.
Don’t wait for spring, start planting NOW!