Today is Wednesday, February 14th, 2007; Karen's Korner #998
Happy Valentine's Day!
We returned home last night after traveling for a week plus with a group from our local bank, visiting the sights and sounds of Costa Rica.
One of our 'adventures' while in Costa Rica was a two hour nature walk in the cloud forest there. We were told that the difference between a cloud forest and a rain forest is the cloud forest is at a higher elevation and, consequently, has lower temperatures than does the hot rain forest.
As we walked, we were told by our guide to not walk as a clumped together group, but to string out a bit. We were to keep our chatter at a minimum and to look at the world around us. If we spotted a bird, animal, spider, we were to alert the rest of the group of our findings, so all could enjoy what we had found.
It was really something special as nearly thirty of us walked in almost silence and listened to the nature sounds around us. To hear the chirping of the birds and to search to find that special hidden animal. We could really hear because of the silence; we could see because we looked.
Jesus told his disciples and in turn tells us that if we look, we will see; if we seek, we will find. Sometimes that takes us opening our eyes and our ears and closing our mouths so that we can really see and hear. He also told us that we are "to go and to tell". If someone spotted a 'holler' monkey, a beautiful bird, or a tarantula spider (they aren't as harmful as we have been told; they are just big and ugly!), we would alert the group to our findings so that all could see that special Costa Rican sighting. We wanted to share what we saw so that others could enjoy our good fortune.
Jesus wants us to do the same with the things that He shows us and gives to us!
The national motto of Costa Rica is "Pura Vida", meaning the "good life". The good life: what Jesus wanted for His disciples and for all of us! So to you today: may you look, see, find, enjoy the good life. God's hand of blessing on you....just for today! May you experience His love on this special day, Valentine's Day!