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I'm Karen

January 2025 Archives

Printable Issue 5278  Today is Wednesday, January 1st, 2025; Karen's Korner #5278

Everyone knows of the story of Cinderella and home the Prince rescued her from her dismal existence. She went from sweeping the floors of her surroundings. Going to the ball. Enjoying the evening with the Prince. Losing her slipper on the way home. The Prince pursuing her and them, eventually going back to the palace together.

Who doesn't like such a love story? And the 'happily ever after' ending?

As we begin the new year, it is another opportunity to revisit God's Love Story and His 'happily ever after' ending.

He has sent His Son, the Prince of Peace' to earth to rescue each of us. All of us! From our 'less than the best existence'. Showing us the way. His Way. And giving us His Love and Care. And unlike the Cinderella, we don't have to 'fit the slipper' in order to be 'the one' chosen! We can have size 4 or 15 shoe size and still be taken with the Prince to His "Castle". Not just for our earthly existence. But His 'Forever' home. Into eternity!

"My purpose is to give life.
And give it abundantly."

~ John 10:10


Printable Issue 5279  Today is Thursday, January 2nd, 2025; Karen's Korner #5279

Sometimes the news and current events can discourage us.

But God tells us to 'remember the hope of the resurrection' (1 Thessalonians 4:13 - 18).

Here is a list of the events of Christ's return:

1) Christ will return visibly with a mighty shout.

2) There will be an unmistakable cry from an angel.

3) There will be a trumpet fanfare such as has never been heard.

4) Believers in Christ who are dead will rise from their graves.

5) Believers who are alive will be lifted into the clouds and meet Christ.

Bible Commentary:  "Because Jesus Christ came back to life, so will all believers. All Christians, including those living when He returns, will live with Jesus forever. Therefore, we need not despair when loved ones die or world events take a tragic turn. For God will turn our tragedies to triumphs, our poverty to riche, our pain to glory, and our defeat to victory. All believers through history will stand reunited in God's very presence, safe, and secure. As Paul (writer) comforted the Thessalonians with the promise of the resurrection, so we should comfort and reassure one another with this great hope."


Printable Issue 5280  Today is Friday, January 3rd, 2025; Karen's Korner #5280

I am doing something today that I have never done before. I am repeating Karen's Korner from Wednesday, January 1.

I re-read what I sent that morning and there were several words which were typed there in error and it made no sense. A group of friends had celebrated bringing in the New Year together (I hadn't even drank pop!). Didn't get home until after midnight and I couldn't fall sleep. Last time I looked at the clock it was 3:15 a.m.! I typed and read the entry, and evidently read words that I wanted to be there, but weren't!

So here we go again:

Everyone knows of the story of Cinderella and how the Prince rescued her from her dismal existence. She went from sweeping the floors of her surroundings. Going to the ball. Enjoying the evening with the Prince. Losing her slipper on the way home. The Prince pursuing her.  The lost shoe fit! Then, eventually going back to the palace together.

Who doesn't like such a love story? And the 'happily ever after' ending?

As we begin the new year, it is another opportunity to revisit God's Love Story and His 'happily ever after' ending.

He has sent His Son, the Prince of Peace', to earth to rescue each of us. All of us! From our 'less than the best existence'. Showing us the way. His Way. And giving us His Love and Care. And unlike the Cinderella story, we don't have to 'fit the slipper' in order to be 'the one' chosen! We can have a 4 or 15 shoe size and still be taken with the Prince to His "Castle". Not just for our earthly existence. But His 'Forever' home. Into eternity! 

"My purpose is to give life.
And give it abundantly."

~ John 10:10


Printable Issue 5281  Today is Monday, January 6th, 2025; Karen's Korner #5281

"Don't long for
'the good old days,'
for you don't know
whether they were any
better than these!"

~ Ecclesiastes 7:10 LAB


Bible Commentary:  "The 'good old days' are easy to talk about, but they may never have existed. Sometimes we remember only the good things about the past, forgetting that those days also had problems. Instead of living in the past, we need to decide to live for today; living in such a way that we will look back on today as one of the 'good old days'."


My commentary:  "The 'good old days' wouldn't have been totally good for our family. Health conditions needing medical attention - surgeries and modern medicines - wouldn't have been possible in those days. 'These days' are better for us than then!


Dear God,
Thank You that 
You have everything
under Your control.
Thank You for today,
because You add to 
each of our days 
and make all
of them - Good!
In Jesus' Name.

Printable Issue 5282  Today is Tuesday, January 7th, 2025; Karen's Korner #5282

Today's 'korner' is taken from "365 Days of Prayer for Women" by Stephanie Sample. It talks a lot about 'abide'. One of the definitions of abide is to 'remain faithful'.


"Abide in me, and I in you.
As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself,
unless it abides in the vine,
neither can you,
unless you abide in me."

~  John 15:4 ESV

"Lord Jesus, I can't understand why I sometimes try to do things apart from you. Only bitter, unripe fruit comes from those efforts, yet I seem to forget this over and over. And you seem to forgive me just as often. You are so patient with me as I struggle to make my own way, knowing full well that to abide in you is the only way, Jesus, keep me close, Remind me how much I need you when I start to think I can do it on my own. The fruit that comes from a life with you is the sweetest taste I've known, and it's the only way I want to live."



Printable Issue 5283  Today is Wednesday, January 8th, 2025; Karen's Korner #5283

This is yesterday's email from Anne Graham Lotz and her AnGeL ministry. She is Billy Graham's daughter so she doesn't have a care in the world. Does she?

Life-Giving Power

"Your word has give me life."

~ Psalm 119:50 NKJV

"Sometimes when we are depressed, we feel lifeless. It's hard to get out of bed in the morning. We seem to have no energy to do even the most routine functions. If you are depressed by the greatness of your problems, read God's Word! That's where you find help. That's where you find joy. Let the rushing waters of the living Word drown out all other sounds and voices. There is life-giving power in the Word of God!

"At the most difficult times in my life -- the loss of a baby, the forced removal from a church, the execution of a friend, the robbery of our home -- God's Word has sustained me. There have been times when I have only been capable of reading a few verses at a time, yet the supernatural life-giving power of the Word of God has not only helped me maintain my emotional and mental balance, it has given me strength to go on, even if only one day at at time."


Printable Issue 5284  Today is Thursday, January 9th, 2025; Karen's Korner #5284

There is no mail delivery in the United States today.

Post offices across the country are closed in honor of former President Jimmy Carter, as we celebrate the life of the100-year-old, at today's funeral services.

People may debate how good a president he was or wasn't, but four years does not describe Carter's entire life.

Many people probably most identify the ex-president with Habitat for Humanity. "Humanitarian', a person involved with or connected to improving people's lives and reduce suffering, might best describe Carter and his wife Roselynn.

The tax-exempt, non-government group began in Georgia in 1968 and now operates in 70 countries, working to build affordable housing for others. As with any agency, Habitat for Humanity is not without scandal or controversary in its more than 50 years of existence; probably due in part to 'people' being involved.

The Carters became involved in 1984 and Jimmy continued his volunteer work into his 90s. Their efforts, under the name 'Carter Work Project' has built nearly 5,000 homes in 14 countries, using over 100,000 volunteers.

For that alone, Jimmy Carter can be remembered as living "a life, well lived"!

(I have taken my information from the internet,
if someone has read/learned other facts from 
other research, I apologize.)

Printable Issue 5285  Today is Friday, January 10th, 2025; Karen's Korner #5285

Today's Max Lucado in my email inbox:


“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.”
(Hebrews 12:1 NLT).

"At every moment you are watched by millions of loving eyes. Listen carefully, and you will hear a vast multitude of God’s family. Noah is among them. So is Mary, the mother of Jesus. Your elementary school teacher shouts your name. Do you hear the support of the first-century believers? Some of us have mom and dad, brother or sister—even a child—in the stands. They are part of the people of Paradise.

"Let us run with endurance the race God has set before us."


Printable Issue 5286  Today is Monday, January 13th, 2025; Karen's Korner #5286

Your assignment for the day: Read the 23rd Psalm.

Our Sunday School class is embarking on a short study by Louie Giglio; "Don't Give The Enemy A Seat At Your Table".

This is our opening:

"Psalm 23 is a a personal confession
of love and gratitude
from one human soul to God.
It is a portrait of a God
who is astonishingly intimate,
kind, protective and generous with us.
The message it offers,
the golden key it holds out to us is this: 
We are invited to live securely
in God's love and care for us.
We are sheep---
not very strong, not very wise,
very much in need of help and guidance.
God is a good Shepherd.
God tends to us,
cares for us,
plans for us,
provides for us,
protects us,
guides us
and stays close to us.
In life and in death
we can come to know that all is well
because God, our good Shepherd,
 is with us.
Our part is to remember
who we are and who God is.
Our part is to rest in God' unfailing love,
to follow God's faithful guidance
and to allow ourselves
to receive our good Shepherd's
personal care for us.

"The meaning, purpose and satisfaction
we search for in life
does not come from striving
or proving ourselves
or working hard to please others or God.
The simple secret explored in this psalm
is that life becomes
rich, full and deeply satisfying
when we rest in God's unfailing love."


Printable Issue 5287  Today is Tuesday, January 14th, 2025; Karen's Korner #5287

Taken from a bookmark I received in the mail yesterday from the Joyce Meyer Ministries:

A Daily Prayer
for Wisdom

"Father, I trust You with all my heart,
not relying on my own understanding,
In all my ways, I acknowledge You,
confident that You'll direct my path.

"Today, fill me with the knowledge of Your will

through all wisdom and understanding
that the Spirit gives,
so I may live a life pleasing to You.

"I lay down my anxieties, presenting every 
need with thanksgiving, trusting that Your peace,
which goes beyond all understanding,
will guard my heart and  mind in Christ Jesus..

"Guide me, Lord, into Your truth,

and strengthen my faith as I seek
Your presence each day. In Jesus' name.


"This daily prayer is based on Scripture verses from:
Proverbs 3:5-6; Colossians 1:9; Philippians 4:6-7."


Printable Issue 5288  Today is Wednesday, January 15th, 2025; Karen's Korner #5288

"That is what is meant by the Scriptures which say that no mere man has ever seen, heard or even imagined what wonderful things God has ready for those who love the Lord."

~ 1 Corinthians 2:9 LAB


Bible Commentary:  "We cannot imagine all that God has in store for us both in this life and for eternity. He will create a hew heaven and a new earth (Isaiah 65:17; Revelation 21:1), and we will live with him forever. Until then, his Holy Spirit comforts and guides us. Knowing the future that awaits us should give us hope and courage to press on in this life, to endure hardship, and to avoid giving in to temptation. This world is not all there is."


Printable Issue 5289  Today is Thursday, January 16th, 2025; Karen's Korner #5289

Today's entry in the flip calendar (January 16) by Sarah Young and her "Jesus Calling;  Enjoying Peace in His Presence":

"Come to Me, and rest in My loving Presence.
You know that this day will bring difficulties,
and you are trying to think your way
through those trials.
As you anticipate what is ahead of you,
you forget that I am with you---
now and always.
Rehearsing your troubles
results in experiencing them many times,
whereas you are meant to
go through them only when they actually occur.
Do not multiply your suffering in this way!
Instead, come to Me,
and relax in My Peace.
I will strengthen you
and prepare you for this day,
transforming your fear into confident trust."

~ Taken from Matthew 11:28 - 30; Joshua 1:5 - 9


Printable Issue 5290  Today is Friday, January 17th, 2025; Karen's Korner #5290

I am embarking on reading the book of Psalms. Not necessarily in order. There are 150 chapters; some long and some short.

Here is the first verses in chapter:

"Oh, the joys of those who do not follow evil men's advice, who do not hang around with sinners, scoffing at the things of God. But they delight in doing everything God wants them to, and day and night are always meditating on his laws and thinking about ways to follow him more closely."

~ Psalm 1:1,2 LAB

Bible Commentary:  "God doesn't judge people on the basis of race, sex, or national origin. He judges them on the basis of their faith in him and their response to his revealed will. Those who diligently try to obey God's will are like healthy, fruit-bearing trees with strong roots and God promises to watch over them. God's wisdom guides their lives. In contrast, those who don't obey God have meaningless lives which blow away like dust. There are only two paths of life from which to choose -- God's way of obedience or the way of rebellion and destruction. By choosing our pathway, we choose our eternity."


Printable Issue 5291  Today is Monday, January 20th, 2025; Karen's Korner #5291

I am ping-pong around the chapters of Psalms.

Here are a couple of verses from chapter 126. I especially liked the commentary on these verses, referring in part to 'forests re-growing after fire', as we think of what is happening in California.

"Those who soar tears
shall reap joy.
they go out weeping,
carrying seed
for sowing,
and return singing,
carrying their sheaves."

~ Psalm 126:5 & 6 LAB


Bible Commentary:  "God's capacity for restoring life is beyond our understanding. Forests burn down and are able to grow back. Broken bones heal. Even grief is not a permanent condition. Our tears can be seeds that will grow into a harvest of joy because God is able to bring good out of tragedy. When burdened by sorrow, we know that our times of grief will end soon and that we will again find joy. We must be patient as we wait. God's great harvest of joy is coming!


Printable Issue 5292  Today is Tuesday, January 21st, 2025; Karen's Korner #5292

A look back at a Karen's Korner on this date, January 21, 2011. From Mother Teresa:

"Within the church some do one thing,
others do a different thing.
What is important is that all of us remain united,
each one of us developing his/her own specific task.


"To possess God we must allow him
to possess our souls. How poor we would be
if God had not given us the power of giving
ourselves to him; how rich we are now!
"We shall not waste our time in looking
for extraordinary experiences in our life but
live by pure faith, ever watchful and ready
for his coming by doing our day-to-day
duties with extraordinary love and devotion.
"Bring prayer in your family, bring it to your
little children. Teach them to pray.
For a child that prays is a happy child.
A family that prays is a united family.
""In loving and serving, we prove that we have
been created in the likeness of God,
for God is love and when we love we are like God.
This is what Jesus meant when he said,
'Be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect.'
"Gandhi once said that if Christians
were really Christians, there would be no
Hindus in India. People expect us to
fully live our Christian life."

Printable Issue 5293  Today is Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025; Karen's Korner #5293

A 'Max Lucado' from last week:


"Have you ever heard of the Antichrist? From the old testament book of Daniel: 'That leader will make firm an agreement with many people for seven years. He will stop the offerings and sacrifices after three and one-half years. A destroyer will do blasphemous things until the ordered end comes to the destroyed city' (Daniel 9:27 NCV).

"This is one of the Bible’s earliest references to a time of severe tribulation—seven years in which the entire world will feel the oppression of an evil ruler. Antichrist is the name most used for this scoundrel. He will want people to worship him instead of Jesus, and he will appear on the world stage. This era of anarchy is called the tribulation. Are we in that stage of evil? Not yet, but it seems to be nearing."


Printable Issue 5294  Today is Thursday, January 23rd, 2025; Karen's Korner #5294
I have two healthy, growing African violets on a small table near my south kitchen windows. So healthy are they, I recently transplanted them from their four-inch pots to larger ones. At least six-inch.

And they are continuing to grow and get larger. I don't think they would have gotten bigger without their recent transplants!

A number of years ago I had a green plant (not sure the variety) which had gotten big enough and the pot small enough, that it would tip over frequently. I had a larger pot which was really too big for the plant at the time. You should see it now! I have it in the south windows of my bedroom. It is taller than I am. And I am pretty tall!

As I looked at them the other day, I thought, "God, maybe You should transplant me into a 'bigger pot' so I can grow bigger and taller for you! Do you want me to grow even more for Your Kingdom! Even if I am growing older?"

We will see what He has in store for me! 

What about you??
Printable Issue 5295  Today is Friday, January 24th, 2025; Karen's Korner #5295

We haven't had a dose of "100 Things God Loves About You: Simple Reminders For When You Need Them Most" by Tama Fortner.

Life tends to beat us pretty good sometimes! And sometimes we forget who we are. And Whose we are!

Have a good weekend!


God loves living in you.

"God is love. Whoever lives in love
lives in God, and God in them."

~ I John 4:16

"There's no place like home. Not for you. 
Not for Dorothy. And not for God.
You do realize, don't you, that He could
choose anywhere to call home! The grandest
palace. The loftiest mountain peak. The highest
perch in the heavens. But He didn't choose any of
those. He chose a fixer-upper, a work in progress
to lovingly restore. He patiently knocked until
you answered, and the H moved in. Because
the place God most loves to live is...in you."


Printable Issue 5296  Today is Monday, January 27th, 2025; Karen's Korner #5296

"Because of what Christ has done,
we have become gifts to God that He delights in,
for as part of God's sovereign plan
we were chosen
from the beginning to be His;
all things happen
just as He decided long ago."

~ Ephesians 1:11 LAB


Bible Commentary:  "What delight youngsters display when given a special gift. Joy radiates from their eyes, spreading across their faces in big, happy smiles. As adults, we rarely experience such pure delight. Yet we ourselves are gifts that inspire and infinitely higher and greater delight in the heart of God. He accepts us with joy because of what Christ did for us. When we feel that our lives isn't worth much to anyone, we need to remember that we are a special gift in God's eyes, a precious present that bring Him great joy.

"God has offered salvation to the world just as He planned to do long ago. God is sovereign; He is in charge  When our lives seem chaotic, we need to rest in this truth:  Jesus is Lord and God is in control. His purpose to save us cannot be thwarted, no matter what evil Satan may bring."


Printable Issue 5297  Today is Tuesday, January 28th, 2025; Karen's Korner #5297

Shortly after Christmas and at the beginning of the new year, I took down my Christmas decorations. It seems it is always hard  to see everything - garland, ornaments, candles, other 'sit-around-items'!

Several days ago I spotted a 3 x 3 wooden ornament hanging from a spare curtain hook between my kitchen curtains. It ways "JOY TO THE WORLD!" Probably should take it down!

No, I am going to leave it up! "Joy to the World, the Lord is come!" isn't just for Christmas; it is for every day. All 365 days!

Just for fun here are the words to its verses #3 and #4. Think of the melody as you read the words:

"No more let sins and sorrows grow,
Nor thorns infest the ground;
He comes to make His blessings flow
Far as the curse is found,
Far as the curse is found,
Far as, far as, the curse is found.

"He rules the world with truth and grace,
And makes the nations prove
The glories of His righteousness,
And wonders of His love,
And wonders of His love,
And wonders, wonders, of His love."


Printable Issue 5298  Today is Wednesday, January 29th, 2025; Karen's Korner #5298

Something in my email inbox from Max Lucado awhile ago:

"The Scripture says, 'And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit' (2 Corinthians 3:18 ESV).                  

"When God found me, I was a fruitless stump with deep roots. Even so, he found a place for me. It required a good yank and no small amount of cleaning up, but he took me from badlands to his home,  and he displayed me as a work of his own. Such is the work of the Holy Spirit.

"My friend, the Spirit of God will transform you into a handiwork of heaven and display you in full view. Now, expect to be scrubbed, sanded, and varnished a time or two or ten. But in the end, the result will be worth the discomfort."


Printable Issue 5299  Today is Thursday, January 30th, 2025; Karen's Korner #5299

These are verses from Psalm, chapter 80. Three times the writer repeats, just about the same words. Once again the Israelites had  screwed up. Kinda like us! It is a prayer. Not because God can't hear. It might be because we need to say it until it sinks in!

"Turn us again to yourself, O God.
Look down on us in joy and love;
only then shall we be saved."

~ verse 3

"Turn us again to yourself, O God of Hosts.
Look down on us in joy and love
 then shall we be saved."

~ verse 7

"Turn us again to yourself, O God of heaven.
Look down on us,
your face aglow with joy and love---
only then shall we be saved."

~ verse 19


Bible Commentary:  "Three times the writer (Asaph) calls on God to 'turn us again to yourself'. Repentance involves humbling ourselves and turning to God to receive his forgiveness and restoration. As we turn to God, He helps us to see ourselves more clearly, including our sin (turning our backs on God). And as we see our sin, the process of repentance must be repeated over and over again."


Printable Issue 5300  Today is Friday, January 31st, 2025; Karen's Korner #5300

(#5300! Thanks for sticking with me as a Karen's Korner reader! If you are a relatively new reader - welcome! And enjoy!

Taken from '365 Days of Prayer for Women" by Stephanie Sample, for today:


"Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities,
to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good,
to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate,
and always to be gentle toward everyone."

~ Titus 3:1 - 2 NIV

"Gentle Father, your patience and tenderness are so much more than I deserve. I know you wish me to behave with the gentleness you show to me. I want that too, and when everything is going well, my responses are often tender and understanding. When the pressure is on, though, I can be short-tempered, impatient, and harsh at times. Show me this tendency as soon as it awakes, Lord, so I can call upon your gentle Spirit to respond on my behalf. Fill me with a gentleness that defies my circumstances, so I can reflect your loving attitude no matter what comes my way."

"How did we experience God's gentleness today?"


Today's prayer really inspired me! I have already thanked a couple of people who are in leadership for their efforts. And I want to do more the rest of the day!